Rider symmetry

Every horse and rider work in combination as a team. A rider needs to be able to absorb movement through their seat in order to help control and enhance their horses’ movement. Any muscle imbalances in the rider will cause asymmetry through their pelvis and negatively influence the interaction between them and their horse. Therefore in order to maximise the performance of the ridden horse, the rider ideally should also be assessed in order to reduce any negative impact from their own muscle weaknesses or imbalances.

What does a rider assessment involve?

  • Firstly a history will be taken from the rider regarding any previous or ongoing injuries.
  • A series of rider specific functional movements and muscle testing will be carried out.
  • Any asymmetries will be identified, addressed and reassessed.
  • The rider will be given an individualised tailored exercise plan.
  • An on horse assessment can also be included but is not essential.

What does it cost?

  • $120 per hour plus travel if applicable
  • Areas covered include South Canterbury, North Otago and Dunedin.

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